Quenching the Thirst: Exploring Daily Hydration Habits

Let’s take a look at what our Beauty Buddies have to say on the subject.

In today's fast-paced world, maintaining proper hydration can often be overlooked. Shockingly, 75% of adults in the UK are dehydrated every day. This statistic raises an essential question: do you think you drink enough water daily? Hydration is crucial for overall health, and understanding the habits and preferences around it can help us make better choices.

Water is essential for life, yet many people do not consume enough on a daily basis. The recommended daily water intake varies, but a common guideline is around eight glasses, roughly equivalent to 2 litres. This guideline, however, is a general recommendation and individual needs can differ significantly based on factors like age, activity level, climate, and health conditions.

Despite these recommendations, it's clear that many adults fall short of their hydration needs. Dehydration can lead to a variety of health issues, including headaches, fatigue, poor concentration, and more severe complications such as kidney stones and urinary tract infections. Therefore, it’s crucial to reflect on our drinking habits and make conscious efforts to stay hydrated.

Individual hydration needs can vary widely. For example, athletes or those with physically demanding jobs may require more water to compensate for the fluids lost through sweat. Similarly, pregnant or breastfeeding women need additional fluids to stay hydrated. Older adults are also at a higher risk of dehydration because the sense of thirst diminishes with age, and their bodies may not conserve water as efficiently.

Climate plays a significant role in determining hydration needs as well. People living in hot or humid climates need more water to stay hydrated compared to those in cooler environments. Moreover, during periods of illness, especially with conditions that cause fever, vomiting, or diarrhea, the body's demand for water increases significantly to replace lost fluids.

To ensure adequate hydration, it is beneficial to adopt certain habits. Carrying a reusable water bottle and taking regular sips throughout the day can help maintain steady hydration levels. Setting reminders to drink water can also be useful, especially for those who often forget to hydrate during busy schedules. Additionally, consuming water-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, can contribute to overall fluid intake.

The Role of Supplements in Health Maintenance

Hydration supplements can play a significant role in maintaining and improving health for many individuals. These supplements are designed to ensure that the body receives the necessary electrolytes and fluids to function optimally, particularly for those who may struggle to meet their hydration needs through water intake alone. The variety of hydration supplements available on the market can be overwhelming, offering everything from electrolyte powders and tablets to specialised hydration drinks.

Electrolyte powders and tablets are among the most popular hydration supplements. These products typically contain essential minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, which are crucial for maintaining fluid balance, muscle function, and nerve signaling.

Hydration drinks are another common type of supplement that can be found in various formulations tailored to different needs. Some are designed for everyday hydration, offering a balanced mix of electrolytes and a slight amount of carbohydrates to enhance water absorption. Others are formulated for medical purposes, such as oral rehydration solutions used to treat dehydration caused by illnesses like gastroenteritis. These medical-grade hydration supplements are often recommended by healthcare professionals and can be lifesaving in severe dehydration cases.

For those who are health-conscious but not necessarily engaged in high levels of physical activity, hydration supplements can still offer benefits. For example, individuals with busy lifestyles who may forget to drink enough water can use hydration supplements to ensure they maintain adequate fluid levels. Additionally, people living in hot climates or those with medical conditions that increase fluid loss, such as diabetes, may find hydration supplements particularly beneficial.

Understanding the types of hydration supplements people prefer can shed light on broader health trends and personal health strategies. For example, the increasing popularity of plant-based and natural hydration supplements indicates a growing consumer preference for products perceived as healthier and more sustainable. These products often feature natural ingredients like coconut water, which is rich in potassium and other electrolytes, or watermelon extract, known for its hydrating properties.

Incorporating hydration supplements into a daily routine can significantly enhance one’s health maintenance strategy. However, it is essential to approach supplementation with care and seek professional advice when necessary. Over-reliance on supplements without addressing diet and lifestyle factors may lead to imbalances and potential health issues. Therefore, hydration supplements should complement, not replace, a balanced diet rich in whole foods, adequate water intake, regular physical activity, and sufficient sleep.

Hydration is a fundamental aspect of health that deserves more attention. By examining our daily water intake, understanding the role of supplements, using hydration products during illness, and fostering healthy habits within our families, we can significantly improve our overall well-being. Reflect on your hydration habits today – are you drinking enough water?

Hydration Awareness

In a recent survey of 225 adults, we found that a significant portion of the population struggles with daily hydration.

Out of those surveyed, 34% believe they drink enough water most of the time, while other 34% admit to not drinking enough. Additionally, 16% feel they drink more or less the right amount, 12% confidently say they do drink enough, and 4% acknowledge they do not.

These results highlight the need for increased awareness and better hydration practices among the population.

Water intake

The responses reveal diverse hydration practices among the population.

Of those surveyed, 20% drink only 1-2 glasses of water per day, 34% consume 3-4 glasses, 32% drink 5-6 glasses, and 13% have 7 or more glasses daily. Additionally, 2% of respondents reported not drinking any water at all. These findings underscore the importance of promoting adequate daily water intake for better health and hydration.


We explored the use of daily supplements for health maintenance and improvement. The responses indicate a range of habits and attitudes towards supplementation.

Of those surveyed, 32% take supplements every day, 19% take them most days, and 18% try but often forget. Additionally, 22% have thought about taking supplements but haven't started, 7% do not take supplements at all, and 2% explicitly do not like taking supplements.

These results highlight the varying degrees of commitment and interest in supplement use among the population.

Supplements Consumption

Among those surveyed, 32% indicated they do not currently take any supplements. Probiotics were popular, with 31% of respondents incorporating them into their daily regimen. Additionally, 30% reported using natural supplements like Ashwagandha, Turmeric, and Lion's Mane for various health benefits.

Hydration powders, tablets, chews, or sprays were chosen by 24% of participants. Electrolyte drinks followed closely behind at 19%, suggesting a preference for targeted hydration solutions, particularly among active individuals.

Lastly, 15% of respondents favoured infused drinks, indicating a growing interest in beverages that combine hydration with additional functional benefits.

Hydration Habits

We examined the hydration habits integrated into daily routines, considering various practices individuals have adopted.

A significant 64% of respondents reported carrying reusable water bottles to ensure convenient access to hydration throughout the day. Starting the day with water was another prevalent habit, noted by 47% of participants, emphasizing the importance of beginning each day hydrated.

Additionally, 43% mentioned adding flavours to their water, enhancing their drinking experience and encouraging regular hydration. Tracking water intake was cited by 24% of respondents as a method to monitor and meet daily hydration goals effectively.

Moreover, 24% incorporate hydration products like powders or drinks into their routines, suggesting a proactive approach to maintaining optimal hydration levels, particularly during active periods or illness.

A smaller percentage, 6%, indicated they have not yet implemented specific hydration habits.


We discovered the key motivations driving individuals to prioritize hydration in their daily routines

Skin health emerged as the most compelling motivator, with an overwhelming 88% of respondents recognizing hydration's critical role in maintaining healthy and radiant skin. Improved energy levels were also a significant factor, motivating 69% of participants. Mental clarity and focus followed closely, with 62% attributing hydration to sharper cognitive function and concentration.

Physical performance was another prominent motivator, influencing 56% of individuals. Weight management also played a role, with 53%. Additionally, 31% cited medical reasons

Are you keen to gather valuable feedback and insights directly from your target audience? Don't hesitate to reach out to us today to discuss the exciting possibilities of running targeted surveys. Let us help you achieve your goals!

We understand the importance of knowing your target audience. Do you make assumptions about your consumers, their preferences, opinions and needs? Understanding your consumers is key to ensuring your business decisions are well-informed and effective.

AT PXBB we run targeted survey campaigns, through Beauty Buddy the app, for our clients. Surveys provide answers, generate fresh data and insights, they substantiate assumptions and also help identify new trends.

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