Smooth Moves: Unveiling the Secrets of Hair Removal Preferences

Let’s take a look at what our Beauty Buddies have to say on the subject.

Forget the one-size-fits-all approach! Hair removal is a deeply personal choice and the good news is, there's a method (or a mix!) out there for everyone.

Why it Matters: Decoding Consumer Desires

In today's booming beauty market, understanding what makes consumers reach for a razor, wax strip, or laser pointer (metaphorically speaking) is key to success. This overview of the survey by Beauty Buddy dives into exactly that, revealing the driving forces behind hair removal choices.

Beyond the Basics: Convenience, Cost, and More

It's not just about achieving that smooth feeling anymore. Consumers today prioritise a range of factors, including:

  • Lifestyle Compatibility: Does the method fit seamlessly into their daily routine?

  • Skin Sensitivities: Can their skin handle it without irritation?

  • Pain Tolerance: Is it a quick zap or a potential long drawn out ouch moment?

  • Long-Lasting Results: Do they crave weeks of fuzz-free freedom?

The Power of Preferences: Shaping the Industry

By understanding these desires, brands are constantly innovating. This survey highlights trends like:

  • The Rise of Eco-Friendly Options: As consumers become more health-conscious, the demand for natural and organic products is soaring.

  • The At-Home Revolution: Convenience reigns supreme! User-friendly DIY devices are becoming increasingly popular.

Beyond Products: Building Brand Loyalty

Understanding preferences goes beyond product development. It shapes marketing strategies, packaging design, and brand positioning. By aligning with what truly matters to consumers, brands can:

  • Craft Products that Resonate: Focus on features that resonate with target audiences, whether it's cost-effectiveness or long-lasting results.

  • Stand Out in a Crowded Market: Ensure your products have that unique selling point that makes them the go-to choice.

  • Forge Lasting Customer Connections: Cater to desires and build brand loyalty through targeted campaigns and education initiatives.

The Beauty Buddy Survey: Unveiling Your Smooth Operator Secrets

Ready to delve deeper? The survey results below reveal exactly what our Beauty Squad value most in their hair removal choices. Let's see what makes the world go smooth!

86% of Beauty Buddies surveyed state that hair removal is VERY IMPORTANT in their overall personal care routine

Frequency of Body Hair Removal

Now, let's talk about how often our Beauty Squad keep things smooth!

The Weekly Grind - The majority of participants (65%) tackle hair removal on a weekly basis. Seems like a routine most of them are comfortable with!

Daily Devotion - For 18% of respondents, daily hair removal is the way to go. Dedication!

The Bi-Weekly Buff - Every two weeks is enough for 7% of participants. Maybe they have slower hair growth or just prefer a less frequent routine.

The Monthly Maintenance - Monthly hair removal works for 8%. Everyone has their own sweet spot!

The Occasional Smoother - Finally, 2% of participants remove hair only occasionally. Perhaps preferring a more natural look.

Body Hair Removal Areas

We asked about hair removal routines for specifc areas and here's what we learned!

Smoother legs and underarms were clear favorites, with a whopping 98% and 97% of participants saying they tackle hair removal in these areas.

Following closely behind was the bikini area, with 94% of respondents keeping things smooth there too.

Facial hair removal came in at a steady 56%, showing it's a popular practice for many.

Finally, arm hair removal came in at 49%, suggesting it's a more personal choice.


When asked about go-to hair removal methods, here's the scoop!

Shaving reigned supreme, with a massive 95% of participants reaching for their razors. It seems like a quick and classic choice for many.

Waxing and tweezing were neck and neck in popularity, with 52% of respondents choosing each method. Some prefer a more long-lasting approach while others like the quick on the spot option!

Depilatory creams also saw some love, with 37% of participants opting for this convenient option.

Laser hair removal and threading were chosen by a smaller group, at 20% and 19% respectively. These methods might be a bit more of an investment, but they offer longer-term results.


Now, let's dig into why you choose the methods you do!

Convenience is King (or Queen)! A whopping 75% of participants said it's a major factor in their hair removal routine. We get it, gotta keep things quick and easy!

Long-Lasting Smoothness Matters! Around 55% crave those long-lasting results, so it makes sense they might choose methods that keep things smooth for longer.

Ouch-Less Wins! For about 51% of participants, minimising pain is a big deal. Totally understandable, nobody wants unnecessary discomfort!

Cost Counts! Around 37% consider cost when choosing a hair removal method. Budget-friendly options are always a win!

Friends Don't Let Friends Have Hairy Dilemmas! About 21% of participants said recommendations from others influence their choice. Sharing is caring, after all!

Side Effects

We are getting smooth, but what about side effects? Here's what our survey uncovered:

Ingrown Hairs: The Top Thorn
Ingrown hairs were the most common woe, affecting over half (51%) of participants. Ouch!

Cuts and Irritation: Not So Smooth Sailing
Closely behind, affecting 36% and 41% of respondents respectively. Maybe a gentler approach is needed?

Burns and Allergies: Less Common, But Important
Burns were experienced by about 15% of participants and allergic reactions affected a smaller group (2%).

The Smooth Operator Club
The good news? A cool 32% of participants reported experiencing no side effects from their hair removal routines. Lucky ducks!

65% of Beauty Buddies reported being aware of new hair removal technologies or products

Technologies or products

Now let's see what the latest and greatest buzz is in the hair removal world!

Shining a Light on IPL and At-Home Lasers
A whopping 62% of are aware of Intense Pulsed Light (IP) technology and 61% have heard of at-home laser devices. These options offer longer-lasting results, so it's no surprise they're garnering more attention!

Sharper Tools: New Epilators
Nearly half (44%) of participants recognised new types of epilators. Maybe these advancements are making this method more tempting?

Going Green: Natural Solutions
Around a third (33%) of you are familiar with organic or natural hair removal products. It seems like sustainability is making its way into hair removal routines too!

Not All Smooth Sailing
Finally, 23% of participants weren't aware of any new technologies or products. Hey, there's always something new to learn!

Willingness to Invest

We also asked about how they feel about paying for the latest and greatest hair removal tech. Here's the breakdown:

Smooth Operator Superfans
A fantastic 69% of participants said they'd be happy to pay a premium for new technologies that promise even better results. Sounds like they want the results and are willing to pay for it.

Open to Smooth Options
Around 21% of participants said they'd be somewhat willing to invest in these advancements.

Keeping an Open Mind
A smaller group (8%) remained neutral on the matter. Perhaps they're waiting to see what these new technologies offer before deciding.

Budget-Conscious Smoothness
Only 2% of respondents reported not being very willing to pay extra for new options. Totally understandable, everyone has a budget to consider!

Are you keen to gather valuable feedback and insights directly from your target audience? Don't hesitate to reach out to us today to discuss the exciting possibilities of running targeted surveys. Let us help you achieve your goals!

We understand the importance of knowing your target audience. Do you make assumptions about your consumers, their preferences, opinions and needs? Understanding your consumers is key to ensuring your business decisions are well-informed and effective.

AT PXBB we run targeted survey campaigns, through Beauty Buddy the app, for our clients. Surveys provide answers, generate fresh data and insights, they substantiate assumptions and also help identify new trends.

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