Shining Light on SPF: Consumer Preferences in Sun Protection

Let’s take a look at what our Beauty Buddies have to say on the subject.

In the realm of skincare, one trend has been shining brighter than the rest: the surge in demand for sun protection. The Sun Protection Factor (SPF) product market has experienced remarkable growth, fueled by a combination of heightened awareness regarding skin health, growing concerns over skin cancer, and a collective desire to maintain youthful skin for as long as possible.

Gone are the days when sunscreen was solely reserved for beach outings. Today, consumers are integrating SPF into their daily routines, recognizing its importance in safeguarding against the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This paradigm shift is not merely a passing fad but a reflection of a more informed and health-conscious consumer base.

Social media and the internet have played pivotal roles in this transformation, providing a platform for influencers, dermatologists, and beauty bloggers to disseminate crucial information about skincare and the dangers of sun exposure. As a result, consumers are now more educated than ever about the necessity of incorporating SPF into their daily regimen.

However, it's not just awareness driving this shift; convenience also plays a significant role. In today's fast-paced world, consumers gravitate towards multifunctional products that offer both efficacy and efficiency. Hence, beauty brands have responded by incorporating SPF into a wide array of skincare and cosmetic products, ranging from moisturizers and foundations to lip balms and beyond. This integration allows consumers to streamline their beauty routines without compromising on sun protection.

Moreover, innovation in product formulation and delivery methods has further propelled the popularity of SPF-infused products. Traditional creams and lotions now share shelf space with sprays, sticks, and powders, catering to diverse consumer preferences and lifestyles.

However, in contrast to the abundance of choices, customers choose effectiveness. Broad-spectrum protection and high SPF values are essential for complete defence against UVA and UVB radiation. Aligning SPF products with broader trends in sustainability and clean beauty can also resonate with conscientious consumers.

Strategic marketing is essential for beauty companies hoping to benefit from this growing sector. Consumers may be informed via educational efforts on the need of using SPF every day, and trust can be built through transparency about SPF levels and formulation. It can also be effective to align SPF products with more general clean beauty and environmental themes.

Our goal at Beauty Buddy is to offer insightful information to the cosmetics business. We have conducted a comprehensive survey to investigate customer preferences and usage trends for SPF products. By sharing these findings, we want to further the industry's ongoing conversation and enable companies to more effectively cater to the changing demands of their customers. In this blog we reveal the results of our survey, providing an overview of the dynamic environment around sun protection in the beauty industry.

81% of surveyed consumers state that they use products containing SPF daily

Reasons for SPF Product Usage

According to the survey on what influences the decision to use SPF products, concerns about skin damage from UV rays are the primary factor, influencing 80% of respondents.

The frequency of sun exposure is the second most significant factor, affecting 55% of participants. Recommendations from dermatologists or skincare experts influence 54%, while 37% are influenced by product recommendations from friends and family.

These results underscore the importance of health concerns and professional advice in motivating SPF product usage.

Methods of SPF Application Preferences

Participants showed varied preferences in how they apply SPF products.

The majority, constituting approximately 69% of respondents, apply SPF exclusively to exposed skin such as the face and arms.

Conversely, a smaller proportion, accounting for around 23% of participants, opt to apply SPF all over their body, including covered areas beneath clothing.

Only a minority, representing approximately 8% of respondents, restrict SPF application solely to when they are going outdoors.

These findings illustrate diverse habits in SPF application, reflecting individual preferences and practices in sun protection.

Influential Factors in SPF Product Choice

SPF level is the main factor affecting the choice of SPF products, it influenced 85% of respondents.

64% of participants find texture and consistency crucial. Brand reputation and ingredients each have an influence of 54% while dermatologist recommendations and pricing are considerations for 43% of respondents,

These findings demonstrate how important product feel, brand and ingredient trust, and SPF performance are when selecting SPF products.

SPF Level

Participants exhibited varied preferences for SPF levels.

Approximately 7% of respondents typically look for SPF 15, while around 34% opt for SPF 30. Similarly, approximately 33% of participants typically seek SPF 50, and approximately 26% prefer SPF 50+.

These results indicate diverse preferences in SPF levels among respondents, suggesting a range of considerations such as sun exposure intensity and personal sun protection needs.


Participants' choices for SPF product formulations differed.

About 77% of respondents said they preferred lotion or cream formulations.

On the other hand, a smaller percentage of participants, roughly 12%, select spray formulations. While gel formulations are favoured by about 6% of respondents.

Additionally, stick and powder formulations are the least popular, selected by around 4% and 1% of participants, respectively.

These results demonstrate the respondents' preference for cream or lotion formulations, but they also show some variation in their tastes for other formulations, such sprays and gels.

Monthly Spend

The amount that individuals were willing to spend each month on SPF creams ranged.

6% of Beauty Buddies surveyed are ready to pay less than €10.

The majority of respondents—roughly 35%—say they would be ready to spend between €10 and €20.

Likewise, 33% of participants are prepared to pay between €20 - €30.

Furthermore, 20% of respondents said they would be prepared to pay between €30 and €50, while 6% said they would be willing to spend more than €50.

These results show that respondents had a variety of budget choices for SPF products, which reflects varying priorities and cost concerns.

Where to buy

Regarding where they often buy SPF products, individuals' choices differed. About 38% of respondents, usually buy SPF products from niche cosmetic retailers like Sephora.

Similar to this, about 34% of participants typically purchase SPF products from pharmacies or drugstores.

Furthermore, 15% of participants often buy SPF products online from websites belonging to brands or platforms like Amazon, whereas 13% typically buy them from supermarkets.

These findings illustrate diverse shopping preferences for SPF products among respondents, reflecting a range of convenience, accessibility, and brand loyalty factors.

91% of participants reported applying SPF before makeup.

Type of SPF Products

Based on the survey, the types of SPF products used indicate diverse preferences.

Moisturiser with SPF is the most commonly used product, with 83% of respondents selecting it.

Sunscreen follows closely, used by 72% of participants. Foundation with SPF is used by 61%, while 58% use lip balm with SPF.

BB Cream with SPF is chosen by 46% of the participants, and CC Cream with SPF is the least used, selected by 32%.

These findings highlight the popularity of multi-functional skincare products that provide sun protection among the respondents.

Favourite brands

According to our survey, respondents have clear preferences for their favourite SPF product brands.

La Roche-Posay emerged as the top favourite, being the preferred brand for the majority of participants. Garnier secured the second spot, indicating strong popularity among users. Nivea and Vichy both ranked third, showing a tie in their favourability.

These results highlight the trust and satisfaction that consumers have with these brands when it comes to sun protection products.

Are you keen to gather valuable feedback and insights directly from your target audience? Don't hesitate to reach out to us today to discuss the exciting possibilities of running targeted surveys. Let us help you achieve your goals!

We understand the importance of knowing your target audience. Do you make assumptions about your consumers, their preferences, opinions and needs? Understanding your consumers is key to ensuring your business decisions are well-informed and effective.

AT PXBB we run targeted survey campaigns, through Beauty Buddy the app, for our clients. Surveys provide answers, generate fresh data and insights, they substantiate assumptions and also help identify new trends.

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