Post-Summer Skincare: Understanding Customers' Needs

Let’s take a look at what our Beauty Buddies have to say on the subject.

As summer draws to a close and the cooler months approach, any customers find themselves facing a range of skincare concerns. From sun damage to dehydration, the effects of summer can leave skin in need of extra care. For skincare brands, understanding these post-summer challenges is crucial to creating products and marketing strategies that resonate with customers.

Understanding the Post-Summer Customer Mindset

The transition from summer to fall is a period of reflection for many skincare consumers. After months of sunbathing, beach outings, and exposure to various environmental stressors, customers are now turning their attention to the damage that summer may have inflicted on their skin. Common concerns include:

  • Sun Damage: Prolonged sun exposure can result in hyperpigmentation, sunspots, and an uneven skin tone. Even with diligent sunscreen use, many customers find that their skin has suffered visible damage, leading them to seek out products that offer repair and brightening effects.

  • Dehydration: Sun exposure, along with time spent in saltwater or chlorinated pools, often leaves skin feeling dry and depleted. Customers frequently look for deeply hydrating products to restore moisture and soothe their skin.

  • Acne and Breakouts: The combination of heat, humidity, and increased oil production during summer can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. After summer, customers often seek products that can calm irritation and prevent further blemishes.

  • Signs of Aging: Exposure to the sun's UV rays can accelerate the aging process, leading to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Customers are particularly interested in anti-aging products that offer both prevention and treatment.

This is the time when customers are most receptive to solutions that promise to repair and revitalize their skin.

For skincare brands, understanding this shift in customer mindset is crucial. Consumers are not just looking for products; they are seeking guidance and reassurance that their skincare needs will be met as they transition to a new season. Brands that can effectively communicate empathy and expertise in addressing post-summer skin concerns are more likely to build trust and loyalty.

The Importance of Targeted Marketing Strategies

In the post-summer period, marketing strategies should focus on highlighting products and services that cater to the specific needs of sun-damaged and dehydrated skin. Skincare brands have the opportunity to position themselves as experts in skin recovery, offering targeted solutions that address common post-summer skin issues.

Educational content, such as blogs, social media posts, and videos, can play a significant role in this strategy. By providing valuable information on how to care for skin after summer, brands can establish themselves as trusted sources of knowledge. This approach not only drives product sales but also strengthens the brand's relationship with its customers by offering them genuine value beyond just a product.

Innovation Driven by Insights

The post-summer season also presents an opportunity for skincare brands to innovate. By leveraging customer insights and feedback, brands can develop new products or enhance existing ones to better meet the evolving needs of their audience. For instance, there is growing demand for products that combine hydration with protection against environmental stressors, or those that repair sun-induced damage while improving skin texture.

Incorporating customer feedback into product development processes can lead to the creation of products that resonate more deeply with consumers. This customer-centric approach not only drives sales but also fosters a sense of community and loyalty, as customers feel their voices are being heard and their needs are being addressed.

At Beauty Buddy, we conducted an in-house survey to gain valuable insights into post-summer skincare habits and concerns. We asked our users about their primary skincare issues after the summer months, how they go about addressing these challenges, and the changes they make to their skincare routines as the seasons shift. The responses revealed a strong focus on repairing sun damage, enhancing hydration, and adjusting daily regimens to maintain healthy, glowing skin as they transition into fall. We invite you to explore the detailed survey results below, where you’ll find key trends and actionable insights to better understand and address your customers' needs.

Skincare Issues After Summer

Our survey revealed that 60% of respondents experienced dark spots or uneven skin tone after summer, making it the most common post-summer skin issue.

Dryness followed closely, affecting 56% of participants, while 40% reported breakouts and 25% experienced sunburn.

Additionally, 20% dealt with oily skin, and only 4% of respondents reported experiencing no skin issues after summer.

These results highlight the widespread impact of summer on skin health, underscoring the need for targeted skincare solutions during the post-summer months.

Routine changes

Survey results reveal that 61% of respondents slightly adjust their skincare routine after summer, indicating a preference for minor modifications. 22% significantly change their routine, while 6% completely overhaul it.

Conversely, 11% don’t make any changes to their skincare routine.

Products Used More Frequently

Survey results show that 84% of respondents use moisturiser more frequently after summer, followed by 77% who increase their use of hydrating serum.

Additionally, 55% use face masks more often, and 50% incorporate exfoliants into their routine.

49% of respondents also use sunscreen more frequently, while 41% use retinol more often.

Importance of Sun Protection

In post-summer skincare routines, 67% of respondents rate sun protection as extremely important, and 21% deem it very important.

9% consider it moderately important, while 2% view it as slightly important.

Remarkably, no respondents believe sun protection is not important at all, highlighting its critical role in skincare after the summer months.


After summer, 28% of respondents are most concerned about sun damage, while 27% worry about hyperpigmentation.

25% of people cite dehydration as their primary concern. 13% are focused on wrinkles and fine lines, and 5% are troubled by acne.

Only 1% have no concerns at all, underscoring the prevalent focus on skin issues related to summer exposure.

How Customer Address Concerns

To manage post-summer skin concerns, 57% of respondents rely on over-the-counter products, while 43% seek advice from friends or online communities.

33% turn to home remedies, and 11% consult a dermatologist.

Interestingly, 8% of respondents don’t address their skin issues, showcasing a variety of approaches to skincare after the summer season.

Specific Ingredients

In post-summer skincare routines, 61% of respondents include Vitamin C for its brightening and restorative benefits, and 56% incorporate hyaluronic acid to boost hydration.

46% use niacinamide for its skin-repairing properties, while 40% opt for both aloe vera and retinol to address various skin concerns.

Notably, 38% of respondents utilize any of these ingredients, indicating a broad range of preferences in enhancing their post-summer skincare regimen.

Switching Products/Brands

When it comes to switching skincare brands or products after summer, 49% of respondents occasionally make changes, while 40% frequently switch their products.

Only 6% stick to the same products year-round, and 3% have considered changing but haven’t yet.

This reflects a tendency for many to adapt their skincare routines based on seasonal needs.

Remedies for Sunburn or Skin Irritation

For addressing sunburn or skin irritation after summer, 44% of respondents rely on aloe vera gel, known for its soothing properties.

29% use cooling sprays or lotions for relief, while 11% turn to over-the-counter creams.

Only 3% use home remedies, and 10% report that they don’t experience sunburn or irritation.

This highlights aloe vera gel as the most popular choice for post-summer skin care.


During the post-summer period, 59% of respondents use at-home masks or treatments to address their skincare needs.

10% opt for professional facials, while 14% don’t use any specific treatments.

Interestingly, 12% are interested but haven’t tried any treatments yet, reflecting a potential area for growth in skincare routines.

Are you keen to gather valuable feedback and insights directly from your target audience? Don't hesitate to reach out to us today to discuss the exciting possibilities of running targeted surveys. Let us help you achieve your goals!

We understand the importance of knowing your target audience. Do you make assumptions about your consumers, their preferences, opinions and needs? Understanding your consumers is key to ensuring your business decisions are well-informed and effective.

AT PXBB we run targeted survey campaigns, through Beauty Buddy the app, for our clients. Surveys provide answers, generate fresh data and insights, they substantiate assumptions and also help identify new trends.

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